Beyond Your Past Radio

The Rule of 7, How Narcissists Use Repetition to Manipulate You, with Kim Saeed

October 28, 2019 Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP
The Rule of 7, How Narcissists Use Repetition to Manipulate You, with Kim Saeed
Beyond Your Past Radio
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Beyond Your Past Radio
The Rule of 7, How Narcissists Use Repetition to Manipulate You, with Kim Saeed
Oct 28, 2019
Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP

Our guest on this episode of the podcast is well known in the narcissistic abuse recovery circles and has dedicated her life to exposing the tactics of narcissistic individuals and helping people break free from the grasp of a narcissist. I like to say that Kim Saeed is a narcissist's worst nightmare, because she's got the knowledge, skills, and lived experience to expose them for what they are trying to do in the lives of their victims.

Her website, is the hub of all of her books, coaching programs, videos, blog posts, and materials...."I created this collective space after visiting seven different therapists, which not only failed to offer relief from my symptoms of narcissistic abuse, I felt further invalidated and more confused than ever. Most of the modalities and self-help out there simply don’t provide the solution for lasting relief.

During our chat on the podcast, we dive into some specific aspects of narcissistic abuse and the tactics that a narcissist will use, including Cognitive Dissonance, Gaslighting, and Brainwashing. Kim explains each of these terms and how a skilled narcissist uses these manipulations in such a way that you don't even know something is happening until they've already got a grip on you.

We talk about how to recognize when you're in an unsafe relationship and ways you can begin to pull yourself out of it when you're ready to take that step. As Kim mentions, they won't just go quietly into the night, they will step up their game to keep you in their grasp and believing their lies.

Kim talks about the importance of paying attention to patterns, not words, in order to see a narcissist for who they truly are rather than what they've led you to believe.  In addition, you'll learn how a narcissist can even use a therapy environment to their advantage, where you believe they are honestly trying to change, but in reality, their agenda is still the primary goal.

Be sure and check out Kim Saeed on her website, for information on her courses, The Essential Break Free Bootcamp, and Beyond No Contact. You definitely don't want to miss her blog posts and her YouTube videos, all done in a way that is both educating and validating.

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All conversations and information exchanged during participation on the podcast and are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers.


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Show Notes

Our guest on this episode of the podcast is well known in the narcissistic abuse recovery circles and has dedicated her life to exposing the tactics of narcissistic individuals and helping people break free from the grasp of a narcissist. I like to say that Kim Saeed is a narcissist's worst nightmare, because she's got the knowledge, skills, and lived experience to expose them for what they are trying to do in the lives of their victims.

Her website, is the hub of all of her books, coaching programs, videos, blog posts, and materials...."I created this collective space after visiting seven different therapists, which not only failed to offer relief from my symptoms of narcissistic abuse, I felt further invalidated and more confused than ever. Most of the modalities and self-help out there simply don’t provide the solution for lasting relief.

During our chat on the podcast, we dive into some specific aspects of narcissistic abuse and the tactics that a narcissist will use, including Cognitive Dissonance, Gaslighting, and Brainwashing. Kim explains each of these terms and how a skilled narcissist uses these manipulations in such a way that you don't even know something is happening until they've already got a grip on you.

We talk about how to recognize when you're in an unsafe relationship and ways you can begin to pull yourself out of it when you're ready to take that step. As Kim mentions, they won't just go quietly into the night, they will step up their game to keep you in their grasp and believing their lies.

Kim talks about the importance of paying attention to patterns, not words, in order to see a narcissist for who they truly are rather than what they've led you to believe.  In addition, you'll learn how a narcissist can even use a therapy environment to their advantage, where you believe they are honestly trying to change, but in reality, their agenda is still the primary goal.

Be sure and check out Kim Saeed on her website, for information on her courses, The Essential Break Free Bootcamp, and Beyond No Contact. You definitely don't want to miss her blog posts and her YouTube videos, all done in a way that is both educating and validating.

If you enjoy these podcasts would you consider doing 3 easy things for us?

  1. Share it with one person who might find it helpful.
  2. Leave a review on your favorite podcast app.
  3. Follow the podcast on that same app, so you never miss an episode.

That’s it…Super Easy and it would mean the world to us.

If you want to go a step further, we have a special Thank You just for You!

All conversations and information exchanged during participation on the podcast and are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers.


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