Beyond Your Past Radio
**While this podcast is no longer actively recording new episodes or taking feedback requests, we hope the library of content over the years continues to help encourage and inspire you on your healing journey.**
You can see a brief statement at https://survivingmypast.net about the original Surviving My Past podcast and Beyond Your Past Radio.
Beyond Your Past Radio, with your hosts, Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP, and Joanne Cipressi, CHt, CNLP. Join us each week as we talk with guests who have overcome their past and are using their powers for the greater good! Clinicians, Life Coaches, Advocates, Bloggers, and others will be here to help inspire and encourage you that no matter what you have been through, there is Hope and You can make a difference. In addition, as Coaches, we give you practical strategies and insight you can use every single day to help you move forward from what's been keeping you stuck.
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Beyond Your Past Radio
Chronic Suicidality, It's Always on the Table...with Frank King
Even in today's world, where mental health is becoming more mainstream to talk about, there's still a stigma surrounding those dreaded two words. Even more than that, what about the judgemental mindset that comes with admitting you've attempted suicide, or live with chronic suicidality?
It's for those very reasons that I wanted to bring Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, onto the podcast so we can discuss not only some of his story and his work, but primarily in hopes of helping at least one person start a conversation that could make the difference between being alive today, and gone tomorrow.
Frank King, aka The Mental Health Comedian, is a Suicide Prevention and Postvention Public Speaker and Trainer who turned a lifelong battle with depression into a keynote worth spreading. His mission is to end the stigma surrounding mental health by sharing his insights with anyone and everyone who will listen in an effort to “start the conversation.”
Frank uses comedy and personal life lessons to help break the ice and start an engaging conversation amongst those struggling with mental and emotional stability. This act of faith helps those struggling to find a voice to express themselves. He believes that where there is humor there is hope. And where there is laughter there is life… Nobody dies laughing.
During our chat, Frank shares how he got started as a comedian, speaker, and trainer, and how he's able to use his own life experiences to create a sense of support and understanding for those who struggle, and those who are supporting them. He talks about living with chronic suicidality, and how that affects even the most normal of everyday circumstances.
The stories Frank shares of his experiences throughout his life are sure to not only move you deeply but also make you smile and laugh...a combination you don't see very much in the world of mental health and suicide prevention.
If you get the opportunity to see Frank King perform, please don't pass up the opportunity. He's an amazing guy who has dedicated his life to helping people stay on this planet, one day at a time. Be sure and head over to TheMentalHealthComedian.com and follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & YouTube.
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All conversation and information exchanged during participation on Beyond Your Past Radio and BeyondYourPastRadio.com is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on the podcast or posted on the above-mentioned website are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers.