Beyond Your Past Radio

Podcast - Ep. 35 - Nikki DuBose - Survivor-Author-Advocate-Ambassador

Matthew Pappas
I am honored to talk with Survivor, Author, Advocate, and Ambassador, Nikki Dubose. Cast into a world of excess, superficiality, and vanity, Nikki traveled the globe and experienced the finest that the material world had to offer, all while feeling empty inside. Her disorders, addictions and mental health issues took her to the brink of mortality and only though a deeply painful inner-battle and her mother's death was she able to reconnect the lost pieces of her soul and see the person she had so long rejected. Her recovery from a nearly lifelong struggle with PTSD, psychosis, addictions and eating disorders has left Nikki with a passionate longing to help others who are also suffering by advocating for mental health and self-acceptance.In this podcast you will learn so much about what she has overcome and how important her advocacy work is with the many organizations she is apart of, including being Board President of Peaceful Hearts Foundation.Be sure and head over to and PeacefulHeartsFoundation.orgI hope this episode resonates with you, and if you would be so kind as to share it with someone who might need it too, that would be amazing. We are all survivors together, navigating this healing journey.Be sure and check out - and follow me on social media.Twitter:

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