Beyond Your Past Radio

Podcast - Ep. 71 - Mental Health Megacast - Catching Up and Moving Forward

Matthew Pappas, CLC, CPNLP
Welcome back to our self-proclaimed, Mental Health Megacast, a semi-regular round table discussion with 3 mental health advocates and survivors who are trying to find our way through recovery.

There is some debate as to which episode we are actually on, since each of us have our own separate podcasts, and to that end also number our episodes differently. So technically for me this is episode 71, however I believe it's actually episode 8 of the Megacast, but overall it's really episode 80 in the grand scheme of all podcasts of various types done to date since I started talking about my survivor journey online in this format.

So there, hopefully I haven't completely confused you, but then again I'm not sure I didn't confuse myself...there's something to be said for simplifying your life that's for sure  :)

Anyways, just in case you aren't familiar with the Megacasts, you can check out past episodes here, and also on cohorts platforms as well....

To that end, the Megacast is creation of the collaborative brain powers (more or less) of Wes from and Mike from, and myself.  I encourage you to check out and follow them online and through your favorite podcasting platform. Each of these has a tremendous message to share and an inspiring and unique way in how they go about it.

In this episode, we do a bit of catching up before diving into some more specific topics. As you'll see, we have a lot of fun and regardless of the between shows, we're able to pick up where we left off. That's the beauty of this collaboration, not only is it a mutual respect and admiration for each others work as advocates, but also the struggle and subsequent resiliency that comes with battling our own pasts.

I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to get together with these guys and share what's going on in our lives, but also to talk about the tough topics as we see them through our own eyes; the eyes of 3 dudes who have been through hell and back and continuously fight as we not only continue to heal but also hopefully validate and inspire others in the process.

To that end, we hope you enjoy this latest episode as we not only catch up and banter back and forth a bit, but also lay the ground work for what might just be our most controversial topic yet for our next espisode...

Be sure and follow Wes on Twitter @WesA1966 and Mike @Mike_Douglas_ & Open_Journal_  ...oh and don't forget to follow and subscribe to all of our shows on your favorite podcasting app!

-Matt Pappas, CLC, CPNLP

This post and podcast are for informational purposes only, and should not be used as diagnosis or treatment for any mental health or physical health illness or condition. 

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