Beyond Your Past Radio

Podcast - Ep. 74 - The alternative to traditional treatments for Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia, with Chip Fisher

Matthew Pappas, CLC
If you're anything like me; someone who's suffered with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and perhaps you also live with PTSD, then you've likely tried many, many different types of treatments. Everything from supplements and medications, to oils, meditation, holistic approaches, and much more. The list is seemingly endless, as is the frustration of exploring so many options to try and find what works for you, even if it's only some of the time.

If you do live with any of those mental health challenges, or know someone who does, this alternative to traditional treatments might be something you consider exploring. My guest on this episode of the podcast is Chip Fisher, President of Fisher Wallace Laboratories, based in New York, a medical device company that specializes in a wearable device to help with Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia.

Designed collaboratively by world-class engineers and doctors, the Fisher Wallace Stimulator® uses proprietary waveforms to gently stimulate the brain to produce serotonin and other neurochemicals responsible for healthy mood and sleep. Proven safe and effective in multiple published studies, the device is cleared by the FDA to treat depression, anxiety and insomnia.*

As Chip explains, In 2001, renowned addictionologist Martin Wallace, PhD, CCN, CAd, was unable to find any means of coping with the depression that brought him to a standstill in the aftermath of eight hours spent trapped in a building at Ground Zero on 9/11. In 2002 he discovered the Stimulator, originally created by brilliant engineers Saul and Bernard Liss, and used it to successfully treat his depression.

Wallace and Fisher met not long after at a business conference, and Chip was so impressed with the lack of side effects and the incredible results that using this product produced, that he began using it himself and still does today.

You can read more about the story of how this device came to be, and the science behind it, over at

One of the things that I was most interested in, was how survivors of trauma might benefit from using the Fisher Wallace Stimulator.  As is often the the case with trauma survivors and those living with PTSD, the brain's normal functions of stimulating the production of and regulating neurochemicals such as serotonin, cortisol, and dopamine, is hampered. As a result, living with hypervigilance, anxiety disorders, insomia, as well as other mood disorders is all too common.

This device using patented technology to gently help the brain begin to resume it's normal duties in this manner, and as a result countless patients have experienced life changing results.  You can also check out his Ted Talk, in which he reveals some of the science and history behind the development the Stimulator.

As he explains, this device is painless, and most patients experience nothing more than a slight tingling sensation if anything at all. It can be used at home, while traveling, virtually anywhere, and see results without any serious side effects.

In addition, Chip himself lives with Depression and Seasonal Effective Disorder, so he knows first hand some of the struggles that the users of this device live with each day. He too tried countless traditional methods to help with his symptoms, including talk therapy and traditional drugs, but mostly found that they did little to help and some of the medications had severe side effects.

By taking proven technology that originated in 46 A.D., with a physician using a Torpedo Fish to help treat Migraines and Gout, has developed into state of the art technology that can be combined with many digital health applications to help treat some of the most detrimental mental and physical health conditions in modern history.

If you'd like to learn more, check out for device information, pricing,

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