Beyond Your Past Radio
**While this podcast is no longer actively recording new episodes or taking feedback requests, we hope the library of content over the years continues to help encourage and inspire you on your healing journey.**
You can see a brief statement at https://survivingmypast.net about the original Surviving My Past podcast and Beyond Your Past Radio.
Beyond Your Past Radio, with your hosts, Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP, and Joanne Cipressi, CHt, CNLP. Join us each week as we talk with guests who have overcome their past and are using their powers for the greater good! Clinicians, Life Coaches, Advocates, Bloggers, and others will be here to help inspire and encourage you that no matter what you have been through, there is Hope and You can make a difference. In addition, as Coaches, we give you practical strategies and insight you can use every single day to help you move forward from what's been keeping you stuck.
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Beyond Your Past Radio
Experiencing the Freedom of Trauma Recovery in Your Own Way, with Michele Rosenthal
My guest on this episode of the podcast, the incredible Michele Rosenthal is here to share some of her expertise in the area of PTSD and trauma recovery, including how her journey started and some of the experiences she's had a long the way that have helped to come to a point of being able to not only share her story but work with others to help them facilitate what their healing experience will be.
Michele Rosenthal's story, and her work, has been featured on NBC, CBS, The Washington Post, Women's World, Psychology Today, and many other outlets. She is a Trauma Recovery Strategist who began her healing journey in 1998 and has taken her recovery and made it her own by creating a healing intention and taking control of her life so that she could experience complete freedom.
As she outlines on her website: I learned about the importance of hope and belief – from inside myself and from those working with me. I also learned about the critical elements of self-empowerment, vision, meaning and identity. Plus, how we can harness those core strengths and apply them to healing trauma.
By the time I completed my trauma recovery transformation I’d learned a lot about what it takes to release the past, connect to the present, and build a new future. I’d also developed a really deep desire to do something with all that knowledge. Since then I have made it my focus to inspire, guide and assist survivors to overcome depression, worry, and fear as they rebuild their lives after trauma and adversity.
During my chat with Michele we cover:
- 4:45 - What does it mean to fully heal from trauma and what does that look like; how do we begin to facilitate that?
- 10:05 - We discuss the layers that make up Shame and Blame in trauma recovery. How do you get to a point of being able to share our story, and work through the fear that doing so creates. (as you'll hear, fear manifests itself in many ways during this process)
- 14:45 - We continue chatting about Fear in regards to moving forward in healing. How does fear hold you back? The problems with trying to control healing, so it moves at the pace you feel it should..and why that doesn't always work out. What being obsessed with healing can do to us and for us.
- 18:28 - Choosing your identity coming out of trauma, and how to continue that development. Creating and mastering the resources you need to sustain the changes you work so hard to implement.
- 24:40 - What is a Healing Rampage, and what did that look like for Michele. The process of clawing your way through everything that trauma has dumped on you, and giving 100% of yourself to the determination to be free. We also discuss what showing up for yourself means, and how healing is not just a once a week therapy session.We also touch on the benefits and necessity of working with a trauma informed therapist.
- 31:32 - Michele and I discuss some of the benefits of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in healing from trauma and overcoming anxiety. The process of creating new neural pathways using the science of how the brain works. Using the language of the brain and how it works to your benefit to speed up healing and experience empowerment in such a more efficient way that feels natural and good to you as an individual.
- 38:38 - We wrap up by sharing more about the importance of creating and developing the tools that work for you, to sustain you once you've begun your healing journey and once you begin to reach the goals you've set for yourself, so you can handle what life throws at you and the struggles that will ultimately show up.
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