Beyond Your Past Radio

Do Your Alters Agree with the Diagnosis of DID? Ep - 123

Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP

I cover the topic of DID regularly, both on this podcast and on Surviving My Past, and consider it an honor when a former guest is interested in coming back to continue our discussion. Rob Goldstein joins me regularly to discuss his experiences with DID, the things he's learned about himself, an continues to learn about his alters and the way they all interact with him in daily life.

As Rob outlines on his site I’m a Certified Mental Health Rehabilitation Specialist who became symptomatic with a dissociative disorder in 2010. When I started this blog in late 2013, it was to advocate for myself and other people with trauma-related mental health problems.

I wrote in my first profile statement that as I evolved the blog would evolve and over time, I learned about photography, digital art and I rediscovered my writing. I call the blog Art by Rob Goldstein but I can just as easily call it life by Rob Goldstein.

This is my life as I live it, evolve, process its history, and prepare for an uncertain future. My life is my work and my work is my art.

Art by Rob Goldstein is an expression of my emotional and intellectual evolution and an ongoing journal of my psychotherapy. I’m blunt, passionate in my beliefs, and willing to state my mind. If an honest exchange of ideas is what you want you’ve found the right place. 

During this episode of the podcast, Rob shares his insight on an aspect of DID that we have not previously discussed, "do your alternates agree with your diagnosis"?

  • When he was first diagnosed with DID, and now that he's been living it for many years, how do his alternates react to being diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder?
  • He shares how much he knows about his alters, and if he is aware of all of them.
  • What does it mean when alternates are distressed and how do they let you know they are distressed?
  • How aware is he when his alters switch, and how does that affect his daily life?
  • Setting healthy boundaries in relationships of all types.
  • The struggles of virtual reality and gaming, while living with DID.

Be sure and follow Rob's Art and Blog over on and on Twitter at @Robrt_M_Goldste

You can also check out the Guest Blog posts Rob has written for Surviving My Past and the previous episodes on the podcast.

No Longer Sick with DID, I am Well with DID

Life with DID, where everything is a Trigger

Dissociative Identity Disorder, A Week in the Valley of Shadows

-Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP

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